Parlem Picasso | Picasso's Museum of Barcelona
Recreational experience in the city of Barcelona for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Pablo Picasso's death.

Mediterranean Sea Expo-game | NGO Solidaridad Internacional - País Valenciano
Expo-game to raise awareness of the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean sea.

Agile Coach Camp | Netmind & BBVA
Consultancy and gamification of the bootcamp aimed at the cultural change of the organisation, making a commitment to the figure of the Agile Coach.

Train the Trainers | Netmind & BBVA
Consulting and gamification of BBVA's training program for agile transformation.

Begira ta bira | Ekoetxea - Basque Country's Network of Environmental Centers
Design of a playful-pedagogical family experience to spark engagement and promote the adoption of org. messaging.

Rescat a la Llull | Ramon Llull University
Video game for academic orientation.

Playful learning | Salesian Schools
We have trained the teaching staff of 8 schools in the Salesian network in playful learning. The project included the design of common and specific methodological applications for each cycle and participating school.

Smart Start & Jumping Skills Program | Indra
Training program for over 500 people per year on agile methodology and soft skills.

Transformation of school playgrounds | Barcelona City Council
We supported the process of transforming several school playgrounds in Barcelona to ensure they become naturalized, co-educational, and community spaces.

SDGs Mission | Esplugues de Llobregat City Council
Design of a gamified communication campaign to raise awareness and involve citizens, institutions and companies in the challenges of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. One of the actions involved the design of a board game.

The Magic Key | Abacus
Design and execution of the gamified action in more than 50 Abacus shops as part of the Christmas campaign, with the aim of impacting on the brand image, building customer loyalty and attracting potential customers.

Open Mio | Simon
Consulting and gamification of customer experience and engagement.

RESSCUE | Sant Joan de Déu Hospital
Design of a playful and pedagogical resource to reflect with teenagers about ciberbullying for Resccue.

Binnakle | Inteligencia Creativa
Gamification of customer methodology and game design for innovative project idea generation.

Talent To The Future: High Potential Program | Indra
Teambuilding for more than 200 people as part of a residential training program.

Open Office Days | Indra
Design and execution of a playful experience with several intergenerational workshops to discover playing the power of technology with the family.

Enjogassa't | Valencia Provincial Council
Gamified platform for the promotion of Valencian language learning among citizens.

Compliance Garden | Chiesi
Gamification of internal corporate compliance training with the participation of more than 500 people.

Educational transformation | Pompeu Fabra School
Definition of the Centre's Educational Project and accompaniment, diagnostical observations, intervention, coaching and training for educational transformation through play.

TurisTIC | Eurecat – Technological Centre of Catalonia
Gamification of the family tourism offer of Costa Daurada and Terres de l'Ebre.

The Basement | National Judicial College of the Dominican Republic
Gamified recruitment process for vacancies in the Judicial Council of the Dominican Republic.

Soil and water, the source of life | Basque Country's Network Of Environmental Centers
Design and facilitation of a digital, play-based and pedagogical experience to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable soil and water management. A total of 26 schools and almost 1,400 students from all over the Basque Country took part in the playful and interactive adventure in teams.

Antidotes | Barcelona City Council
Design of a board game in the framework of a participatory programme with citizens to deal with loneliness and social isolation in all generations.

School of Digital Talent | NTT Data Foundation
Selection process and pedagogical guidance of an online, gamified programming bootcamp.

Cooperantes Caixa | CaixaBank Foundation
Design of play-based workshops to generate a sense of belonging to the initiative and to connect volunteers with the purpose of the international cooperation project.

Around the World With 60 Books | Diverse Foundation & SDLI
Design of the phygital gamification of the D-LEC method to motivate through the power of play the learning of reading and writing in the first cycle of primary education.

Rally Cerca 2022 | 3C Consultores & Salcobrand Pharmacies
Conceptualisation and development of a gamified, phygital and collaborative team experience to increase productivity and motivate employee training. More than 420 businesses in different areas of Chile participated in the project, with personalised strategies and challenges during the 3 months of the rally.

PantOff | Pla de Barris
Co-creation of a game to offer as a resource to families and raise awareness about the use and abuse of screens in early childhood.

Theory of Change of the Púlsar Program | NTT Data
Design of the Theory of Change and the playful methodology for measuring the impact of the Programa Púlsar.

Badge Culture| Gecon Foundation & Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of the Government of Spain
Gamification of the loyalty of cultural audiences.

Conscious Consumption Expo-game | Barcelona Provincial Council
Conceptualisation of an interactive and playful exhibition to raise awareness of conscious and responsible consumption among teenagers. To do so, we have designed an experience that combines knowledge with the spontaneity of play, a surprising narrative, an innovative educational approach and a transgressive graphic and audiovisual proposal.

Púlsar Program | NTT Data Foundation
Pedagogical guidance for the social mentoring program for adolescent girls.

Volkswagen Barcelona Race | Volkswagen Group
CSR action with the Casa dels Xuclis for the company's management.

100 years of Danone | Food Republik
Family workshops for Danone's centennial exhibition at the Disseny Hub Barcelona.

Educational innovation | Minguella Schools
Consultancy for pedagogical transformation involving the entire centre, with follow-up sessions, coaching and personalised training, including the dynamisation of working groups of the teaching team.

Faros Observatory | Sant Joan de Déu Hospital
Consultancy and pedagogical advice for more than 10 years in the revision and updating of the references of games, toys and videogames that the Faros Observatory, a leading digital portal in the promotion of children's health and well-being, recommends for families and educators.

Kid's Innovation Fest | Kid's Cluster
We design playful proposals to generate spaces for reflection that promote participation, networking and engagement among the more than 150 professionals from different companies that attend each year.

El Pregó de la Laia | Barcelona City Council
Playful-pedagogical conceptualization of the activity aimed at primary school students, with the goal of introducing children to participatory processes in the school and in the city of Barcelona.

Unusual visits | Mercabarna
Conceptualisation and development of a fun experience to raise public awareness of Mercabarna. Focusing on the role it plays in our food, we have developed several play-based and educational workshops in which, immersed in an epic narrative, the participants solve a mission while taking part in cooking workshops in the heart of Mercabarna.

Stars World – Episode X | Isdin
Gamification of in-house training on new products with the participation of more than 500 people in 13 different countries.

Playful Paradigm | Esplugues de Llobregat City Council
Accompaniment and dynamisation of the Playful Paradigm project to involve social agents, institutions and companies and find answers to urban challenges through play.

Horizon 2020 | Jesuit Education Foundation
We supported various schools in the Jesuit Education Foundation network, from early childhood to secondary and post-compulsory education, in designing methodological applications from the perspective of playful learning.

Escápate | Andalusia Tourism Agency
Design of a ludic itinerant exhibition with a format of a treasure hunt game for young people and adults. The objective was to promote Andalusian tourist destinations among the local population and showcase the diversity of its offerings.

Child-Life Model | Sant Joan de Déu Hospital & University of Barcelona
Design of the training module based on the Child-Life model for medical teams dedicated to the importance of play, from a psychological and child development perspective, for its use as a therapeutic tool for the emotional care of hospitalised children.

BrainGame | 4th Congress on Neuroeducation at the University of Barcelona
Design of a playful-collaborative and phygital dynamic to ensure the transmission of messages and contents of the congress from a first-person experience.

Sexuality game | Game Educa
Sexuality game for training with people with functional diversity.